Wysigingswetsontwerp op Outeursreg

8 posts

Nuusbrief: Maart 2024

Oor: ’n Gesamentlike protesaksie teen die Wysigingswetsontwerp op Outeursreg; Die wêreld van die skrywer: artikelreeks; Books on the Bay; Wenners aangekondig: LAPA se Jeugromankompetisie 2023; Fakture vir ledegeld en welkom aan nuwe lede; Maandelikse resensie-oorsig; Nuwe Afrikaanse boeke in Maart 2024.

Copyright and Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills scheduled for adoption on 29 February 2024

The Bills are scheduled for concurrence by the National Assembly on 29 February.  With the Portfolio Committee having recommended it in its report, concurrence should be a formality, notwithstanding passionate and disapproving statements that can be expected from opposition MPs during the debate.  With only ten days to go, it seems that only a bout of Leap Year Madness could change the plan.

Nuusbrief: Augustus 2021

Oor: PEN-VIDA-telling; Kortlyste aangekondig: kykNET-Rapport-boekpryse; PEN Afrikaans se kommentaar op die Wysigingswetsontwerp op Outeursreg; Skryf in: US Woordfees se kortverhaalbundel 2022; Die skryf van verhale: ‘n aanlyn kursus; ILB se wêreldhardopleesdag vir dié wat aan Covid-19 gesterf het; Maandelikse resensie-oorsig; Nuwe Afrikaanse boeke in Augustus 2021.

Comments on the Copyright Amendment Bill

PEN Afrikaans welcomes the revision of the Copyright Act but implores the legislature to consider the impact of the proposed provisions on the creative industries that authors are dependent on. It is our opinion that the Bill, as it stands, does not pass muster on constitutional compliance, legal certainty, and on truly protecting and enhancing the interests of authors whose livelihood depends on the ability to commercialise their work.