Oor: ’n Gesamentlike protesaksie teen die Wysigingswetsontwerp op Outeursreg; Die wêreld van die skrywer: artikelreeks; Books on the Bay; Wenners aangekondig: LAPA se Jeugromankompetisie 2023; Fakture vir ledegeld en welkom aan nuwe lede; Maandelikse resensie-oorsig; Nuwe Afrikaanse boeke in Maart 2024.
2 posts
The Bills are scheduled for concurrence by the National Assembly on 29 February. With the Portfolio Committee having recommended it in its report, concurrence should be a formality, notwithstanding passionate and disapproving statements that can be expected from opposition MPs during the debate. With only ten days to go, it seems that only a bout of Leap Year Madness could change the plan.